Tuesday, April 12, 2011

J is for Jesus

Well Easter is just around the corner so I found it only prudent to talk about my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

You know in my posts about Ghosts I said there are certain things that I believe in because I have faith in them.  My faith says that Jesus Christ was born for us and died for us is my strongest faith.  Easter reminds us of what Jesus went through so that we can have a home in heaven some day.   I would suggest watching Passion of the Christ this Easter season to renew your passion for Jesus.  It really gives a graphic depiction of what Jesus had to go through before and during crucifixion.

The thought that one man could endure that much torture.  Getting whipped over and over and over again until he almost had not skin left,  being forced to wear a thorn crown.  Then he had the burden of carrying his own cross to his crucifixion, while being mocked and teased by the onlookers.  Even his disciple Peter denounced him 3 times.  Then to have stakes pounded in his hands, and left there hanging to die.  Yet Jesus was saying "Please forgive them Father, they know not what they do." 

Even though he was being tortured and teased, he was very compassionate for those same people, and gave his life so that they could have a home in Heaven some day.  Would you have that much compassion? 

This is the reason for the season.  Remember what Jesus did for all of you! 

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